Ahead of the 2024 college football season, three significant rule changes are anticipated.

First, college football is poised to greenlight in-helmet communications for quarterbacks and coaches, alongside approving the use of tablets on the sidelines and in locker rooms during halftime. Additionally, a two-minute warning will be introduced at halftime and the end of games.

In-helmet communications will cease with 15 seconds remaining on the play clock, and only one member from each team will possess microphone capabilities.

The introduction of tablets will enable college players to promptly review their performance following a drive, facilitating real-time adjustments during the game. This technological enhancement promises to streamline mid-game adaptations, potentially elevating the quality of college football.

The inclusion of a two-minute warning aims to enhance strategic planning for crucial moments like the two-minute drill and end-of-game scenarios, while also boosting television revenue. And yes, more commercials for television viewers.

What do you think about these changes to college football. Join in the conversation on our Facebook page – @CrimsonTideNow